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Simple Tricks to Make your Computer Faster Than Ever

In this post I’ll show you some tips that I follow to make my smooth,Fast
There is so much way to do that you can download some software to do that but I personally recommend  CCleaner  couse it’s has easy option.so let’s do that 

1st Tricks without software : 
Step 1: Run the command promote (Windows+R)  Type temp and press Enter.A window will open select all file (ctrl+A) and delate all.
    Note: all file can’t be deleted skip them  
Step 2: Run the command promote (Windows+R)  this time Type %temp% and press Enter.A window will open select all file (ctrl+A) and delate all.
            Note: all file can’t be deleted skip them  
Step 3: Run the command promote (Windows+R)  this time Type prefetch and press Enter.Ther you can see a warning skip it click continue  and A window will open select all file (ctrl+A) and delate all.
                Note: all file can’t be deleted skip them  

Step 4: Run the command promote (Windows+R)  this time Type recent and press Enter.A window will open select all file (ctrl+A) and delate all.

Step 4: Run the command promote (Windows+R)  this time Type tree and press Enter.
                                        Do that few times

Step 5: Run the command promote (Windows+R)  this time Type help and press Enter
2st Tricks with software : 


Step 1: Go to official CCleanr website  you can go for  pro or free trail download .for testing download trail

Step 2: Install it normally you can get 14 day free trail .

Step 3: open the  and There you can see two option Analize and Run Cleaner . Click Run Cleaner  it will ask yes .click enter after fnish you will see the power of this software

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