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How to Hide file/folder without Software

In this post i going to show how you can hide file,folder almost everything without software

hide file


So let's get  started :


step 1: Select your file or folder wich you want to hide and Right click the file/folder and go to proprieties .

Step 2: click the hide file from below the page and Apply
step 3:   A new window will popup and there will be two option selct "Apply changes to this folder,subfolder and files"
step 4:   And then click Okay

step 5: That folder which you want to hide will still show transparent  but don't worry


step 6: click the View from the top option bar and click the hide hidden file.  
                          That's it you are successfully hide your file 


              (Note if you want to show or Access your File/Folder then go to View 

                                         and tick the show hidden file)


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